Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friggin' 'orses

Now, don't get me wrong. I absolutely adore Quebecker accents. I think they're cute, and if I could hire a Quebecois lad to read books on tape in English for me, I'd do it. So what I'm about to say is being said lovingly.

It's goofy as fuck.

It's entirely unlike a French accent. I mean when they're speaking English, of course. I understand French, but not well enough to effectively place a regional accent (which makes me better able to understand the plight of foreigners who can't tell a Yankee from a Texan). A French accent can range from suave to comical depending on the individual, and you can tell that the speaker's native tongue is something smooth and Continental. A Quebecois accent is just straight-up goofy as fuck no matter who's talking, and it sounds like the person's first language is some kind of silly bird-speak.

Which it might be, really.

One point the Quebecois definitely have over the French is in the department of profanity. Quebeckers damn well know how to swear. Most of the French people I've met limit themselves to "merde" the way most of the Yankees I know limit themselves to "fuck" - quantity perhaps making up for lack of diversity; but if you really want to hear some first-class, grade-A, five-star swearing in French, you turn to the Quebecois. Half of it isn't even directly translatable, and the parts that are just read like a vocabulary lesson on Catholic churches, but that's the beauty of it. When they swear in English, they apply the same rule, which is basically "string as many words together as you can, and sound as angry as possible while you do it." This leads to some absolutely virtuosic paragraphs of rhetoric.

"Motherfucking dogshit Christ goddamn, you fuckstick son-of-a-bitch crackerjack assfuck!"

It's sheer poetry.

Malajube - La Monogamie (website)
Les Cowboys Fringants - Toune d'Automne (website)
Les Innocents - Long, Long, Long (not only are they not Quebecois, they haven't existed for about 10 years now. no website for you)

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